Who am I?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

To-Do List & Time Management

I'm not saying I'm the best at time management but managing a 40+ hour work week, my workouts, my family, and social life it isn't always easy. I am slowly learning how to prioritize more efficiently because I haven't always been the best.

A few months ago my boss sent me an article on the importance of making a To-Do list on a daily basis.  I read the article and sort of just pushed it on the back burner. My thoughts were..."I have a few calendars...I make a list for the grocery store...I don't need to do that, I'm good." It has come to a point where procrastination and certain things like packing the night before a big trip and stressing myself out has become an inconvenience.  Allowing junk mail and receipts from stores pile up on my desk at home has added clutter and stress to my life. I have had enough and decided that I want to be a more organized person, I basically stopped writing my blog because "I didn't have time". I want to make time for so many things and I feel like I need to manage my time better. That being said I have started making realistic To-Do Lists on a daily basis that are easily attainable. 

The past two weeks have consisted of training my body to wake up earlier so I can get more done on my to-do list. These are simple things that have been working for me and might help you. =)

1.  Daily Cleaning To-Dos

For example: sweep and mop the bathroom floors (if I do something small each day I will maintain a clean bathroom/room/house/etc.) My to-do list for tonight is to vacuum.

By adding one cleaning task a day this avoids having to spend hours or an entire day cleaning.

2. Meal Prep or Crock Pot meals- I work pretty late and then head to the gym after work. Doing a crock pot meal every day this week has helped make my life easier. Dinner is ready when I get home which gives me more time to do other things. The clean-up is easy and you can find a ton of healthy meals online. I will post some of mine soon.

3. Laundry:

We all hate doing it. If you add "Wash Towels" to your daily to-do list. You can throw them into the machine before you take on a task.

For example: I like to put them in the machine when I get home from the gym at night and then into the dryer before bed.  The next day I'll add "fold towels" on my To-Do List.
Making these daily lists have allowed more time to do more things. I plan on continuing this trend and will be giving you an update on my time management down the road.

Thank you for reading!

<3 Diana

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I'm back!!!

It has been 10 months since I last posted. =( I have decided to take a different route and share what I've been up to. 

Fitness Life:

Crossfit! Yes you read correctly I am now a Crossfitter and before you make judgment hear me out. I love intensity, I love pushing myself and I love pain. This type of workout is not for everyone especially beginners but it gets me to the gym at least 3x a week and to me that is what is important. I work on my form (I go to Olympic Lifting Night) and I don't go too heavy unless I feel comfortable. If you do this you have a better chance of not getting injured.

Below is a picture of me during a WOD (workout of the day). I can't do very many pull-ups so I modified and used the rings to pull myself up. =) 

Memorial Day WOD called Murph

Running: I am still running but not as consistently as I was about a year ago. Pretty sure I burnt myself out running too much.  I ran one half marathon in January and I did the Miami Super Spartan. The good news is Crossfit has helped my running pace. I PR'd for the first time in years! I ran the half marathon in 2:08, just under 10min miles. I was soo happy. For the Spartan race the run was 8 miles plus over 20+ obstacles. I was not able to complete 3 obstacles I had to do 50 burpees for each obstacle you cannot complete. I was pretty excited to do something different. Below are pics from my half and from spartan. 

Don't ask why my hand is out but I was just pretty excited to PR!

Super Spartan Miami with a good friend
 Will be posting more about my personal life and still working on the blog site to revamp it. Hope to have more fun and exciting things for you!

Thank you for reading! 

<3 Diana 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Under Construction

Hi everyone, 

I'm going to be changing up my blog so that it is more useful.  I am in transition going from one gym to another and I am currently training for a half marathon. I know I have stopped posting but I promise I will be back soon. 

Stay tuned.....

<3 Diana 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cheating on my Gym

Happy Hump Day! So I have taken it upon myself to be a little bit of a gym slut this week. I have attended a few different gyms because I wanted to check out different styles of working out. 

This is my workout for the week: 

Sunday: 4 mile run with Beach Yoga
Monday: LA Fitness (Weight Session)
Tuesday: Crossfit 
Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Hot Yoga
Friday: LA Fitness (Weight Session)
Saturday: Performance Boot camp

I have decided to leave my boutique gym where I do performance boot camps. They are currently not offering enough classes for me due to my crazy work schedule. If I miss a class they don't roll over and as a result I'm losing money. =( 

This weekend I will post how I feel about the different gyms I've attended. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Transformation Tuesday!

Hi everyone! 

I posted this picture on my Instagram today. I found this picture on my computer from when I first started working out. I had even lost weight from the before picture due to running and training for my half marathon. I cannot believe how far I've come! 

Enjoy and I hope this motivates you to eat clean and train dirty! BOOM! 

<3 Diana 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Shout out from my trainer

Hi everyone! 

So the other day my friend who is a trainer at the boutique gym I'm a member of noticed my transformation and has asked me to be a member of his Spartan team. His team runs in the elite heat. I'm a little nervous but more than anything I'm honored that he feels I'm worthy enough to join his team. His team consists of trainers and people that are in really good shape. I cannot wait to train for this event! If anyone has done the Spartan Race and has any suggestions or training advice, please e-mail me. The race will be in April 2014. I have plenty of time to train and I also plan on running a half marathon before the end of this year. I will be posting my training workouts and running schedule soon. =) 

Check out the YouTube Video of the Spartan race and below is a personal shout out my friend did on his Facebook page! Literally made my day!!!


Just so you know my nickname is Banana
 Thanks for reading! =) 
<3 Diana

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Progress Pics March - August 2013


Happy Wednesday! I promised that I would post my progress picture. I don't think much has changed in the last month. Like they say slow progress IS progress. I'm hoping that I show more of a difference next month, if not I'm just happy that I still look the same.

I have decided to stop weighing myself. I haven't weighed myself in over 3 weeks. I'm tired of obsessing over my weight. My jeans are a little big and I'm the smallest size I've ever been since high school which was 9 years ago. If I continue to stay consistent the weight will gradually come off or I may even gain weight because I'm gaining muscle. =)

Beginning of July & Beginning of August 2013. Not much of a difference but it's okay.

I'm happy with my progress!!!

Thank you for reading! 

<3 Diana 