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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mid Week Motivation

Hi everyone, 

My close friend recently came to me and asked me if he can follow my diet plan because he wants to lose weight. I told him that everyone is different and what works for me may not work for him. I sent him a general overview of what I do and eat on a regular basis and it occurred to me that this isn't a diet this is my lifestyle and I enjoy being healthy. 

It's always easier to eat out and eat bad but is it worth it? I look at some of my friends and 2 out of 3 of their meals are fast food or eating out. To me that's crazy!!! Think about all the sodium, sugar, cholesterol, & fat you're putting into your body. I'm very curious to see how their health will be in the next 20-30 years. I have a feeling by their 30s-40s we will see an increase in bypass surgeries, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. for people in our generation. 

I'm not saying you can't indulge and have some chocolate or a bowl of ice cream once in a while. I'm not perfect and I sure do indulge in some sweets but remember that this is the only body that is given to you. Take care of it. If you practice healthy eating the weight will naturally come off. Your heart & body deserves some exercise a few times a week. You don't want the only exercise your heart gets to be pumping grease through your veins. 

Keep this week going friends. We are halfway there. =) 

 <3 Diana 

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