Who am I?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I love bootcamp

Hi everyone, 

I wanted to share my boot camp workout last night and some pics. Our workout was tough.  I got my butt kicked but I had a good time and I love tough workouts. We took some fun  pictures after. 

Last nights workout: Each station was done for one (1) minute. We did the entire workout below (3) times with a short 200meter lap in between so a total of 9x each individual station and 3 laps. 

200 Meter Lap
  • Dry Runs (treadmill is OFF belt is constantly moving)
  • TRX Suspension: Atomic Abs (Knee tucks)
  •  Medicine Ball Push-Ups (roll medicine ball side to side)
  •  Medicine Ball Wall Throw (overhand throw it against the wall)
  •  Handstand Pushups
  •  Bosu Burpees (must come down & do a pushup)
  •  Bicep Curls (with barbell)
  •  Military Press (with barbell)   

If you have any questions about the workout above, please feel free to e-mail me. I'm more than happy to help. =) 

Having fun with handstands!

My beastly trainer!

Thank you for reading! 

<3 Diana 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Keeping up with my monthly goals

One of my goals this month is to juice once a week, I am sticking to my goal. At first I really thought juicing was disgusting but now I enjoy it. 

People seem to think that if they make a juice it will replace their meal or their fruit and vegetable intake for the day and this is not true. It adds nutrients and possibly a serving or two to your day but should not replace. Juicing has it's pros and cons. 

-Contains vitamins and nutrients
-Juicing is better than drinking "Fruit Juice". Less sugar = less fat. 
-Boosts Immune System
-Aids Digestion
-Increased Energy Level

-Expensive (Juicers are not cheap)
-Fruit & Vegetables can be expensive
-It is recommended to drink the same day you juice. 
-Fresh squeezed can develop bacteria.
-The pulp in fruit contains fiber, juicing removes it. 

If you decide to take up juicing I suggest to do it maybe 2x a week. Go to your local farmer's market for fruits & veggies or buy the ones that are in season. This will help keep your expenses down. Also keep an eye out for juicers on Groupon. Start juicing your fruits and veggies that are about to go bad. (Please don't waste food).

I hope everyone is having a healthy week! 

<3 Diana


Friday, July 12, 2013

Protein Powder...YUM!

Happy Friday everyone! I know that I have stopped posting on a daily basis. It is hard to get posts in every day. I promise I'll post several times a week. 

I was incredibly happy to get home from work yesterday because my protein order arrived. It's funny that I get soo excited to receive protein.

I know that a lot of women think that if they take protein they will get bigger, bulky, muscular, etc. <-- I was one of them. It is not true. I'm 4'10 and I drink a protein shake after each workout. I'm not big muscular and bulky. It is important to take protein after you are done with a workout. There have been many different studies that show you have a 20-90 minute window after a workout. I suggest just taking it as you drive home from the gym or as soon as you're done. Making it a habit is key.

The Benefits? 
  •  Feeds protein and nutrients to your muscles. Remember when you workout you are damaging your muscles and protein repairs them.
  • Protein shakes deliver nutrients to your muscles faster than food. You can eat a protein bar right after a workout but remember that your body has to digest it and it can take longer.
  • Promotes a healthy immune system. Your body endures stress during a workout and protein will help. 
  • Helps build lean muscle. 
 What Kind?

I personally love whey protein. I always look for a protein that does not have much sugar. It is all trial and error for each person. It will take some time to find out which one works best for you.

These are the two I'm currently taking. Yes I bought 8 lbs but keep in mind I make protein pancakes, protein balls, protein muffins, etc. I buy enough to cook and bake. I also share with the husband.


<3 Diana 


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mid Week Motivation

Hi everyone, 

My close friend recently came to me and asked me if he can follow my diet plan because he wants to lose weight. I told him that everyone is different and what works for me may not work for him. I sent him a general overview of what I do and eat on a regular basis and it occurred to me that this isn't a diet this is my lifestyle and I enjoy being healthy. 

It's always easier to eat out and eat bad but is it worth it? I look at some of my friends and 2 out of 3 of their meals are fast food or eating out. To me that's crazy!!! Think about all the sodium, sugar, cholesterol, & fat you're putting into your body. I'm very curious to see how their health will be in the next 20-30 years. I have a feeling by their 30s-40s we will see an increase in bypass surgeries, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. for people in our generation. 

I'm not saying you can't indulge and have some chocolate or a bowl of ice cream once in a while. I'm not perfect and I sure do indulge in some sweets but remember that this is the only body that is given to you. Take care of it. If you practice healthy eating the weight will naturally come off. Your heart & body deserves some exercise a few times a week. You don't want the only exercise your heart gets to be pumping grease through your veins. 

Keep this week going friends. We are halfway there. =) 

 <3 Diana 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Motivation & Determination

This past week has been very tough for me. My personal life is consumed with high stress levels and anxiety that has lead me to some bad food decisions and a negative "I don't care" attitude. Probably more so this week than any week in the last 4 months. Yesterday I sat on the couch and watched tv most of the day. I was being lazy and just sat there craving ice cream, I literally contemplated for about 20 minutes whether or not I should get up and eat some. Finally I started to go through my phone and pictures and saw a quote that someone posted that really made me think. "Motivation keeps you moving, Determination keeps you going". I realized that this past week is making me back track, if I continue with this attitude all the progress I've made is out the door. I jumped up grabbed a peach and ate that instead of ice cream. As I ate my peach I started to write down my July goals and mapped out my food prep for the week. Life can get really busy and there are a lot of bumps in the road but you have to keep going. I need to stay focused. I'm not willing to throw it away just yet.

Here are my goals for the month of July. I know it's July 8th but it's not too late and it's a new day and a fresh week. 

July 2013 Goals
July Goals
- Try new foods (going to google new recipes to try)
- Pull-ups 2-3 (need to work on this....major weakness of mine)
- Leg day 2x a week (legs & booty need some work)
- Juice 1x a week (I loved doing this and have stopped going to pick it up again)
- Carb Cycling 
- Lose 1 lb (I'm not really concerned with the scale that much anymore)


Thank you for reading! 

<3 Diana

Friday, July 5, 2013

Holidays & Being Healthy

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July.  I tried my best to stay on track. I woke up yesterday and went to the gym and got a great workout in. I did not drink a a gallon of water but I did drink half a gallon. We celebrated the 4th with our neighbors & set off our own fireworks. The mini show we had was awesome and we had a good time. 

I was proud of myself for keeping away from all chips and dips.  I did eat the food which were ribs and beans. For dessert, one of my neighbors made rum pudding and rum cake so I had a couple of bites to not be rude. Overall I could have done without the beer but I'm not perfect and today is a new day and the start of the weekend. No booze or unhealthy food for me. Yesterday was perfect and enough!

As time goes on I am getting better. It's a lifestyle change but mistakes happen. I can't beat myself up over them just learn from them. 

Our Firework Show

July 4th, 2013

<3 Diana

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

 Hi everyone! 

I would like to wish everyone a safe and healthy 4th of July! Try to make healthy choices today. :-)


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Progress up until July 2013

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a great Monday and is starting the week off with healthy food and great workouts planned.

I wanted to share my progress pics for the month of June-July. This picture was taken at the beginning of June and two days before the end of the month. I'm seeing more progress. It's taking time, I knew this wasn't going to be overnight but I'm happy with my results. 

Beginning of June 2013 and end of June 2013

 Here is my progress from March until the end of June 2013. 

March-June 2013

I'm working on my goals for the month of July. I'm not quite sure what my new goals will be but I will definitely post them. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me. 

Thank you for reading!

<3 Diana 


Monday, July 1, 2013

Girls weekend!

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend! I was happy to reunite with my college girlfriends. We were in an organization called C.H.I.C.S @ FSU. (Caring and Helping in Community Service). Our organization worked with a lot non-profits around the Tallahassee area. We haven't seen each other in 4 years so it was such a great time with a lot of laughs.

I tried my hardest to eat healthy all weekend but it wasn't easy. I brought a ton of good snacks to stay on track. I brought baby carrots, yogurt, water, coconut water, almond milk, apples, blueberries, protein bars, etc. On Saturday I couldn't sleep in so I was up early and a little bored (the girls were sleeping in from their hangover). I decided to relax and eat my flavored Greek yogurt (I buy plain now so this was exciting) and I read my fitness e-magazine. 

I wanted to share some pictures from the weekend. =) 

Cheers to C.H.I.C.S @ FSU Alumni

I'm back to work and resuming normal life again. It's a new month, new day, and new week! Start to think about your new goals for the month and set them. Today is the perfect day to do so. I will be setting my new goals for the month soon and I will be posting progress pictures as well.

Stay tuned and thank you for reading!

<3 Diana 